FPPR: Fast Pessimistic (dynamic) PageRank to Update PageRank in Evolving Directed Graphs on Network Changes [post]

Suman Kundu, Rohith Parjanya Pashikanti
2022 unpublished
The paper presents a new algorithm FPPR which updates PageRanks of a directed network after topological changes in the graphs. The algorithm is capable of regenerating scores on node and link addition/deletion. The changes in the expected value of random surfers are used for updating the scores of the newly added nodes as well as the impacted chain where the nodes/links are added or removed. The complexity of the algorithm for k new node addition is O(k ×davg(k) ) where davg(k) is the average
more » ... gree of k nodes added. On the other hand for node deletion, the complexity is O(|Vs | + |Es |) where Vs and Es are the set of nodes and edges updated using Selective Breadth-First Update. Extensive experiments have been performed on different synthetic and real-world networks. The experimental result shows that the rank generated by the proposed method is highly correlated with that of the recalculation on changes, using the benchmark Power Iteration algorithm.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1512145/v1 fatcat:e6o33wqg6zaltfqprbmx2lfl2a