File Hiding Web Application (Fhwa) Using Image Steganography

Noraliza Azizan
2022 European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences   unpublished
File hiding is a process of hiding any files in computer from being accessed by anyone. This process is necessarily used in order to prevent any snoopers from accessing private and confidential files. Today, various extant file hiding applications existed but there is unfriendly user issue arises where only certain files can be hidden. Some of the applications can hide text file only and some others can only hide image files. Thus, it is difficult for users to hide any file of their choice
more » ... se they need to use more than one tools or applications that support the file type. This paper presents File Hiding Web Application (FHWA) which can be used to hide any type of files using image steganography as a security mechanism. This application is developed using Agile methodology and Visual Studio Code is used to build the system as the code editor. Programming languages like Tailwind CSS, Semantic UI and JavaScript including Node.js, ReactJS and Next.js are used for frontend and backend development while MongoDB is used to store the databases. Based on user acceptance testing, the result shows on average 98% of the respondents are able to use FHWA to hide any type of files and reveal them successfully.
doi:10.15405/epms.2022.10.56 fatcat:3wmvgekawbghzgvmystvskc7mu