Cyberology: Cyber-Physical-Social-Thinking Spaces based Discipline and Inter-discipline Hierarchy for Metaverse (General Cyberspace) [post]

huansheng ning, Yujia Lin, wenxi wang, Hang Wang, Feifei Shi, Mahmoud Daneshmand
2022 unpublished
<p>It is well known that the metaverse, also named general cyberspace, is virtual-real fusion spaces, consisting of a virtual space namely cyberspace and virtual-real spaces namely cyber-enabled physical, social, and thinking (cyber-enabled) spaces. This paper discusses the open issues of the metaverse in terms of science and technology and proposes a new discipline and inter-discipline hierarchy for the metaverse first. Then, it ex?plores various relevant standards of discipline classification
more » ... and a discipline and inter-discipline hierarchy based on physical, social and thinking spaces, and investigates the cyberspace and cyber?enabled spaces. On the basis of the above research, this paper proposes the detailed metaverse discipline and inter-discipline hierarchy based on cyber-physical-social-thinking spaces and enriches the content of cyberology from the aspects of cyberspace and cyber-enabled spaces. Finally, this paper predicts the future development of cyberology in terms of society, enterprise and humankind. </p>
doi:10.36227/techrxiv.20495781.v1 fatcat:xaaakxrglnd2zlv4fplke5yhua