SPDR Scheme for Disturbance Reduction in ROT Process with Measurement Delay
측정지연이 있는 ROT 공정의 외란제거를 위한 SPDR 제어기 설계

Cheol Jae Park
2014 Journal of Institute of Control Robotics and Systems  
In this paper, we propose an SPDR (Smith Predictor for Disturbance Reduction) scheme to improve the temperature control by reduction of the disturbance in ROT process with measurement delay. The proposed controller is a combination of Astrom's modified Smith predictor with a disturbance reduction controller and a grey predictor. The grey prediction is used to calculate the inverse of the measurement delay and to predict future variations and tendencies of system output. The simulation results
more » ... monstrate the successful performance of the proposed disturbance reduction controller and enhance the robustness of the proposed control scheme.
doi:10.5302/j.icros.2014.14.8014 fatcat:rd2yeva76zbihmtxnl6a5p22aq