Severe Neurological Manifestation from Jatropha curcas (Mbono Kaburi) Poisoning in 5 Years Old: A Case Report

Matei Mselle, Aisa Shayo, Ronald Mbwasi, Phillip Mrindoko, Elise Kimambo, Arnold Likiliwike, Lucy Frisch, Elton Meleki, Zaituni Hatibu, Nyemo Peter, Ally Iman, Faith Mosha (+3 others)
2022 OALib  
Jatropha curcas belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family and is found in the coastal areas of tropics. The leaves, fruits and seeds of the plant are used for various ailments. Not only there are few reported cases of its poisoning in the paediatric age group but also rarely reported to cause neurological manifestation even in adult population. We present a case of a 5 years old that presented with severe acute neurological manifestation soon after ingestion of the seeds of Jatropha curcas. The
more » ... t was managed symptomatic and supportive with complete recovery in 48 hrs. Case Presentation: 5 years old male child was referred to our hospital 7 hrs after taking
doi:10.4236/oalib.1108028 fatcat:qnr5pdj5evf3ffody5q6puj5wy