P-127 Our response to gosport inqury: a prospective review of opioid and sedative prescribing

Shahlaa Walsh, Dola Awoyemi, Angela Halley
2022 Poster Presentations   unpublished
2. Delirium screen in 100% of patients with abnormal cognition 3. If screening is deemed inappropriate, it should be documented in 100% of patients Results In total 55 inpatient admissions were reviewed, with delirium developing in 53% of this population. A formal cognitive assessment was undertaken in 17% of patients however 85% of patients subjectively required assessment for confusion. No patients underwent a formal delirium screen or documentation to this effect. Of those individuals with
more » ... cumented confusion, 87% subsequently developed delirium. In those with subjective confusion but not documented 71% developed delirium. A total of 35% of patients developed delirium in whom subjective confusion was negative. Conclusion/Lessons Learned Despite the presence of impaired cognition in significant numbers, formal assessment of delirium is not routine practice. It is evident that formal assessment is likely to unveil an underlying cognitive impairment process and facilitate early intervention. We have subsequently delivered multidisciplinary education and implemented a management pathway to reduce the burden of delirium in our inpatient unit. We plan to reaudit effectiveness in the coming months.
doi:10.1136/spcare-2022-scpsc.148 fatcat:lwwegm5yk5dtha4ayl6fl2yvbe