Tapering chronic opioid therapy in neuropathic facial pain: An interdisciplinary approach

Brijesh P. Chandwani, BDS, FOP, Ronald J. Kulich, PhD, Lainie Andrew, PhD, Steven Scrivani, DDS, DMedSc
2018 Journal of Opioid Management  
This case report presents a patient with chronic orofacial pain who was considered to be an appropriate candidate for chronic opioid therapy, a treatment uncommonly considered at most facial pain centers. Her opioid treatment proved ineffectual, and conservative approaches were addressed. She was successfully tapered off the use of a long-acting opioid within a relatively short time, using an interdisciplinary approach involving an aggressive biobehavioral approach.
doi:10.5055/jom.2008.0022 fatcat:dbetnrqcp5a4zcssiirpcbzfke