Hybrid Trust and Weight Evaluation Based Trust Assessment Using ECK-ANFIS and AOMDV-REPO Based Optimal Routing in MANET Environment [post]

Lucindia Dupak, Subhasish Banerjee
2022 unpublished
In Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANET), the employment of trust-based routing has attained augmenting attention during the past years. A novel approach for ensuring dependable routing in an adversarial MANET is the Trust-based routing protocols. Most prevailing works were done on the routing protocols development for security augmentation on an adversarial environment. These protocols encompass some flaws and are not secured on the MANET environment. This research method utilizes the Exponential
more » ... hy Kernelized Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ECK-ANFIS) centered trust assessment utilizing Hybrid Trust (HT) evaluation along with optimal routing on the MANET for tackling those issues. In this proposed model, the nodes are first initialized; next, ECK-ANFIS assessed the trust. For the evaluation, the HT together with the weight value is estimated for the nodes. Subsequently, the lower-level Trust Value (TV) nodes are secluded into a separate box. Next, the cluster is created on the trusted node. Improved K-Harmonic Mean (IKHM) algorithm forms the Cluster Head (CH). Ad hoc On-demand Multi-path Distance Vector (AOMDV) discovered the route. Range Emperor Penguin Optimization (REPO) selects the optimal route as of the manifold nodes. Next, the route is maintained utilizing the same algorithm. In the investigational study, the performance is examined with the prevailing methods centered upon performance metrics. Therefore, the better performance of the proposed work is proved.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-829206/v1 fatcat:ljwtgapl5venvfrp64ldcpldp4