Cochlear Implant Rehabilitation During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Parents' Perspective [post]

Lokanath Sahoo, Abha Kumari, Uma Patnaik, Gunjan Dwivedi
2020 unpublished
Aim and Objectives: The current study was undertaken to assess the effect of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on cochlear implant rehabilitation of children with congenital non syndromic bilateral severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). The objectives were to find out the psychological impact of COVID-19 on parents of children with cochlear implant habilitation, to assess the performance of children with cochlear implant habilitation through tele therapy and to analyze
more » ... the problems faced by the parents to obtain the professional hearing health care services for their cochlear implanted children.Material and Methods: An online questionnaire survey was conducted amongst the parents of children who had undergone cochlear implantation (CI) consequent to congenital severe to profound SNHL. Prior to COVID-19 pandemic, these children received regular auditory verbal therapy (AVT) including visits to the Centre for audiological services (mapping and troubleshooting of the speech processor).Results: The online questionnaire survey, undertaken by a total of fifty (50) parents was analyzed. All the parents unanimously reported that COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected access to the professional health care services for regular mapping and troubleshooting of the speech processor and thus their children's rehabilitation. However, active involvement between the professional health care services and the parents through video consultation and tele auditory verbal therapy has definitely helped the children to a great extent.Conclusion: The present study emphasises the great challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic for continued rehabilitation of CI children. To overcome this situation, an innovative digital media to address such medical issues through tele medicine, tele audiology and tele therapy is warranted.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:p42ukl3c6vhtfcpdmr5hlseztm