Backstepping Control Strategy for Overhead Crane System

Mohammed Y. Khudhair, Mohammed Y. Hassan, Saleem K. Kadhim
2021 Engineering and Technology Journal  
Swinging on the shifted load by overhead crane is one of the main problems that all researchers suffer from. In addition, the crane system is a nonlinear and under-actuated system. Furthermore it is multivariable problem and it has coupling between its parameters ( . In this work, a developed type of anti-sway Backstepping controller is proposed to solve swinging on the shifted load for full non-linear overhead crane system. Simulation results were validated against the related articles
more » ... ly published which used Fuzzy Logic control. The enhancement is measured for Backstepping control as a swinging to achieve 50.7%, 38.1% and 42.5% when it is compared with Fuzzy Logic control. The performance of the overhead crane is enhanced from 70.4% to 51% at the control action consumptions.
doi:10.30684/etj.v39i3a.1738 fatcat:xmghfqyjhfa3zjbl3utn7zxiei