Global edge-conditioned basis functions from local solutions of Maxwell's equations

S. Amari, A. Motamedi, J. Bornemann, R. Vahldieck
1997 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest  
A new set of edge-conditioned basis functions for the moment method solutions of electromagnetic problems is introduced. The basis functions are themselves solutions to the dierential forms of Maxwell's equations and satisfy the local boundary conditions at metallic wedges. Numerical results using this new set are presented and compared with available data for a ridged rectangular waveguide to demonstrate its adequacy. An ecient technique to compute integrals of rapidly oscillating and singular integrands will also be presented.
doi:10.1109/mwsym.1997.596584 fatcat:xr42cjiozbdahc25hscatoaega