Charmonium Radiative Physics

Jozef Dudek
2008 Proceedings of The XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE 2007)   unpublished
Renewed interest in the spectroscopy of charmonium has arisen from recent unexpected observations at e + e − colliders. Here we report on a series of works from the previous two years examining the radiative physics of charmonium states as well as the mass spectrum of states of higher spin and internal excitation. Using new techniques applied to Domain-Wall and Clover quark actions on quenched isotropic and anisotropic lattices, radiative transitions and two-photon decays are considered for the
more » ... first time. Comparisons are made with experimental results and with model approaches. Forthcoming application to the light-quark sector of relevance to experiments like Jefferson Lab's GlueX is discussed.
doi:10.22323/1.042.0010 fatcat:qxdvhqr3prc5dazb6oij3nwddi