Luminous, pc-scale CO 6−5 emission in the obscured nucleus of NGC 1377

S. Aalto, S. Muller, F. Costagliola, K. Sakamoto, J. S. Gallagher, N. Falstad, S. König, K. Dasyra, K. Wada, F. Combes, S. García-Burillo, L. E. Kristensen (+4 others)
2017 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
High resolution submm observations are important in probing the morphology, column density and dynamics of obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs). With high resolution (0.06 x 0.05) ALMA 690 GHz observations we have found bright (TB >80 K) and compact (FWHM 10x7 pc) CO 6-5 line emission in the nucleus of the extremely radio-quiet galaxy NGC1377. The integrated CO 6-5 intensity is aligned with the previously discovered jet/outflow of NGC1377 and is tracing the dense (n>1e4 cm-3), hot gas at the
more » ... ase of the outflow. The velocity structure is complex and shifts across the jet/outflow are discussed in terms of jet-rotation or separate, overlapping kinematical components. High velocity gas (deltaV +-145 km/s) is detected inside r<2-3 pc and we suggest that it is emerging from an inclined rotating disk or torus of position angle PA=140+-20 deg with a dynamical mass of approx 3e6 Msun. This mass is consistent with that of a supermassive black hole (SMBH), as inferred from the M-sigma relation. The gas mass of the proposed disk/torus constitutes <3% of the nuclear dynamical mass. In contrast to the intense CO 6-5 line emission, we do not detect dust continuum with an upper limit of S(690GHz)<2mJy. The corresponding, 5 pc, H2 column density is estimated to N(H2)<3e23 cm-2, which is inconsistent with a Compton Thick (CT) source. We discuss the possibility that CT obscuration may be occuring on small (subparsec) or larger scales. From SED fitting we suggest that half of the IR emission of NGC1377 is nuclear and the rest (mostly the far-infrared (FIR)) is more extended. The extreme radio quietness, and the lack of emission from other star formation tracers, raise questions on the origin of the FIR emission. We discuss the possibility that it is arising from the dissipation of shocks in the molecular jet/outflow or from irradiation by the nuclear source along the poles.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201730650 fatcat:7qiyxzggi5actjlggeefrz5ej4