Reports and Analyses and Descriptions of New Inventions in Medicine, Surgery, Dietetics, and the Allied Sciences

1873 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
THE BRITISH MEDICAL YOUR'NAL. 673 self-administration of anaesthetics. This is all that is necessary for the relief from pain, however severe; it is all that can be reached and sustained with safety." When sleep supervenes, the supply of chloroform, being dependent on the movements of the hands, is arrested. Dr. Crombie's apparatus appears to be a good one, and to offer increased facilities for the safe application of slight anaesthesia for the relief of pain. We have employed it in suitable
more » ... es, and it has acted well. We are surprised, however, to find the inventor inserting in the text of his pamphlet the following -" The safety of the instrunent for use as directed depends entirely on the acuacy of the mechanical adjustments, and, therefore, none will be sold but those examined and approved by
doi:10.1136/bmj.1.650.673 fatcat:pwioginxqfba7c4pc7nuzdtupm