Stereochemistry of the Asymmetric Carbopalladation of Allenes Followed by Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions with Carbo- and Aminonucleophiles

Fumiko Kato, Kunio Hiroi
2004 Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin  
The stereochemistry of the asymmetric palladium-catalyzed reaction of allenes with iodobenzene followed by nucleophilic substitution reaction with sodium malonate and N-methylbenzylamine is described. On the basis of the absolute configuration of the product and the stereochemical result of a similar reaction of a chiral allene, the mechanism of the above asymmetric reactions is discussed.
doi:10.1248/cpb.52.95 pmid:14709874 fatcat:oan7ziayn5hi3fedxgohwx4xb4