Discrete Polar Complex Exponential Transform for Image Rotation Duplication Detection

Junliu Zhong, Yanfen Gan
2015 unpublished
This paper through Comparative analysis of This Discrete Polar Complex Exponential Transform approach is improved from traditional Polar Complex Exponential Transform (PCET) and this transform also encompasses the features of orthogonality and rotation invariance. We introduce a new 9×9 circle instead of a unit circle in DPCET to calculate features of image more precision. And various experiments were performed to prove that effectiveness of our approach in detecting duplicated forgeries, with
more » ... ranslation, rotation, noise addition. And the experiment results also show that our approach is more robust to geometric distortions of the duplicated regions than other compared approaches.
doi:10.14257/astl.2015.81.05 fatcat:ni6cg6jqwbfi5fyinibgk5i6dy