A handy acoustic transponder navigation system; development and operation

Toshio FURUTA, Hiromi FUJIMOTO, Yoshibumi TOMODA, Kazuo KOBAYASHI, Hideyuki MURAKAMI
1984 Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan  
A handy acoustic transponder navigation system using the long-baseline method has been newly developed and operated by the research vessel Tansei-Maru and Hakuho-Maru on their cruise KT 83-19, KT 84-2 and KH 84-2, The results of position fixing were sufficiently accurate for usual scientific purposes. The system will be useful for detailed topographic and geophysical mapping as well as dredge hauls, coring and installation of ocean-bottom instruments, after some minor problems in the specification are im proved.
doi:10.11366/sokuchi1954.30.313 fatcat:7b4zqizgqfgbrloxe42okoe4fq