Frequency of Cervical Cancer in Women Attending Gynae OPD with Complaint of Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

Mahwish Shah, Aruna Kumari Hira, Urooj Naz, Sheena ., Sana Shahmir, Mehwish Younus, Anam Rasheed
2021 Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences  
Aim: Frequency of cervical cancer in women of reproductive age presenting with abnormal vaginal bleeding. Methodology: Descriptive cross sectional study, done at Department of Obs &Gynae, JPMC, Karachi Duration of study: Six months from 01-11-2014 to 30-04-2015 Total 73 patients of age 18-45 years, having history of abnormal vaginal bleeding > 3 menstrual cycles were selected. Pregnant woman, abortion within last 6 months, age >45 years, fibroid/ tumors/ polyps, PID, gonorrhea, or Chlamydia
more » ... ents were excluded. Chi-square was used as test of significance with a P value <0.05 taken as significant. Results: Mean ± SD age was 38.12 ± 4.33 years. Mean ± SD parity was 2.21 ± 1.67 children (Range: 0-5). Mean ± SD duration of presenting symptoms was 7.45 ± 2.81 months (Range 3-11). About one fifth of patients (i.e. 19.2%) were of age between 18-25 years. a vast majority (i-e; 43.8%) were in 26-35 years age category while remaining (36.99%) patients were of age between 36-45 years. 12.3% women had no children, 35.6% had 1-2 children, 28.8% had 3-4 children while remaining 23.3% women had 5 children. 12 out of 73 (16.4%) women had cervical cancer confirmed through biopsy and histopathology of cervical tissue. Age was significant (P value = 0.003) while parity & duration of presenting symptoms were non-significant (P values = 0.110 & 0.405 respectively). Conclusion: The study found that almost every 6th women with abnormal vaginal bleeding is suffering from cervical cancer. Younger age women and those having lesser parity are less prone to this condition. Keywords: Abnormal vaginal bleeding, Cervical cancer, Postcoital bleeding
doi:10.53350/pjmhs2115102641 fatcat:jjz36lf2m5fangrw2lksipwqdm