77-GHz Slot Array Antenna Using PCB and ACF
PCB와 ACF를 이용한 77 GHz 슬롯 배열 안테나

Pyoung-Hwa Yoon, Oh-Yun Kwon, Reem Song, Byung-Sung Kim
2018 The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science  
This study presents the performance evaluation results of a 77-GHz waveguide slot array antenna that was fabricated by attaching a patterned printed circuit board(PCB) on a metal block. The 77-GHz waveguide was divided into a top plate and a bottom structure. The top plate was fabricated using a patterned PCB that can implement a fine slot at low cost. The top cover was then bonded to the bottom metal structure with a waveguide trough using anisotropic conductive film. For evaluating the
more » ... performance, a 1× 16 slot array antenna was fabricated using our proposed method and the gain and pattern were measured and compared with the simulation results. Though the measurement results demonstrate a reduction in gain of around 2.3~3.5 dB compared to the simulation results assuming ideal bonding conditions, the pattern hardly changed and the slot antenna with a gain of approximately 17 dBi at 77 GHz can be easily manufactured at a low cost using the proposed method.
doi:10.5515/kjkiees.2018.29.10.752 fatcat:5i6qfpa4qndapgsha67lzpwqqu