Intraoral hydatid cyst: A review

Chandra Shekhar Jha, Rupam Sinha, Suman Sen, Harshvardhan Jha
2019 Journal of Oral Medicine Oral Surgery Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology  
Parasites have always been a point of interest for the medical fraternity. They cause numerous amount of diseases around the globe and are of prime importance of studies of major health organisations like WHO and CDC. Hydatid cyst are one of the commonest occurring cysts affecting the world population. However the oral complications has been less studied because of its rare occurrence in that region. This review article deals with the life cycle, intra oral complications along with diagnosis and treatment of such cysts.
doi:10.18231/j.jooo.2019.002 fatcat:ez3szlwehbaotcrdgmvbcybmgq