Injuries to the Stomatognathic System during the Practice of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and the Importance of using Mouthguard: A Mini-Review

Robeci Alves Macedo-Filho, Tiago Ribeiro Leal, Andreia Medeiros Rodrigues Cardoso, Sandra Aparecida Marinho
2020 Journal of Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery  
The practice of sports has become increasingly commonplace in the daily lives of individuals and sports-related injuries vary depending on the sport practiced. Oral and facial injuries are very common in many sports. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a contact sport in which the stomatognathic system is exposed to injuries, and the most prevalent are soft tissue injuries, such as facial abrasions and lacerations and dental injuries, such as tooth fractures. Although not mandatory in Brazil for the
more » ... of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a mouthguard is an essential form of protection from orofacial injuries. When a blow is applied to the face, the mouthguard provides absorption and dissipation of force and also reduces of impact to the temporomandibular joint, by redistributing the force. For that, it is therefore of the utmost importance for athletes to visit a dentist periodically for examinations. Such protective devices (mouthguards) may be individualized and crafted by a dentist for better adaptation and less discomfort for the user.
doi:10.29245/2767-5130/2020/2.1108 fatcat:da7ts6aiczbzba3bmpzwwtbjqq