Reconfigurable optical frequency comb and Nyquist pulses generation with tunable sensitivities

Hongyao Chen, Jianping Wang, Huimin Lu, Tigang Ning, Li Pei, Jing Li
2020 IEEE Access  
In this paper, a practical scheme to achieve reconfigurable optical frequency comb (OFC) and Nyquist pulses generation based on two cascaded Mach-Zehnder modulators and a polarization control structure is theoretically analyzed and verified by simulation. A rectangular-shaped OFC with evolvable comb lines (4 to 8) was obtained. Since there is no filter built in the structure, the turntable comb spacing is also an inherent feature of the OFC. These properties make the OFC can be used to produce
more » ... igh quality Nyquist pulses with flexible pulse duration (25.6ps∼14.4ps), duty cycle (11.5%∼20.5%) and repetition rate (4GHz∼40GHz). It is found that the sensitivity of the reconstruction process of the OFC and corresponding pulses is adjustable. By methods of mathematics, we expound the observed results and provide mathematical expressions about the relations between the optical sideband suppression ratio, modulation index, principle polarization direction and sensitivity. Moreover, a proof-of-concept experiment of the OFC generation is carried out and the results are consistent with the theoretical ones, which indicates the potential of our work to generate user-friendly reconfigurable OFC and Nyquist pulses demanded in microwave photonics, optical communications, all-optical sampling and light storage applications. INDEX TERMS Microwave photonics, optical harmonic generation, optical pulses generation. VOLUME 8, 2020 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3014421 fatcat:mjpgrueqwrahxjuivhyiulwewm