Relationships between the Sense of Fatigue Experienced by University Students while Using Computers and Screen-related Problems

2009 Journal of Human and Living Environment  
This stUdy was conduCted 血 ⊃ examine 血e usc ofOorTrputcrs among miversity studerits , their s nse of physical 鯒 騨 , 皿 dproble 鋤 s g 壼 wa め g 山e 認 wen 鰓 〔 liscuss 血e relationship betWeeri their fatistue and scre 一 related pK 〕blems . The fc )llowing results we1e 〔 } b血 ined :且 nR ) rmation tcchnology − rcla重 ed and male students 叩 ent m 〔 me dme 繭 y on ave stated that they felt tircd while using computers , n 】e most cemmon Syrnrptoms included ' 「 qye sorenessT ' , " eye 鯒 gue 「 ' and " s丗
more » ... de 【s 卩 「 . In s血 dents of o 止er departments , a relationship was noted betw ◎ 山ese symptoms and 出e time spent us 血g computers , [ [ he screen intorfaee , col 〔 ms of charac 脇 and backgn )unds , and o 血er s 一 【 ek し ted factors were also associated with their sense ofphysi じal fatigUe . In developing edu じational mate 丘 als and mt ts貴)r computcr lcaming , it is impt )rtant to erihance screeri usabhity to help studerits achieve desired leaming effects wh 且e lrreverr 血 g eye fatigt 」 e as much as possible . Meceived !Janua り -5, 2009 溜σα 御 ゴ'加 8192 〔 M9 丿
doi:10.24538/jhesj.16.1_43 fatcat:eme26rxn7jgtfmuw2s6vutgrsy