Using Google Trends to Analyze Keywords 'Ibadah Online' and 'Gereja Online' in Indonesia

Sonny Eli Zaluchu, Halim Wiryadinata, Robinson Rimun, Joseph Christ Santo, Martina Novalina
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
There has not been any research to observe the trend of Christian users in Indonesia in searching for YouTube content in carrying out their spiritual activities during the pandemic era. This research uses the data from Google trends to observe the use of the phrases 'ibadah online' (online spiritual activities) and 'gereja online' (online church) in the spiritual content search in YouTube. By applying descriptive analysis, the conclusion can be drawn that the Christian users in Indonesia have
more » ... ready had digital awareness in spirituality and have exchanged the expressions 'ibadah online' and 'gereja online for common interest. Research Contribution: This research is relevant to the concept of church digitization and the role of the church in the era of technological disruption that complements the discipline of Ecclesiology. The results also show the digital awareness of Christians in Indonesia.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220702.013 fatcat:rot7575dzngxtf7qbosfinz5t4