Modeling Erlang's Ideal Grading with Multirate BPP Traffic

Mariusz Glabowski, Slawomir Hanczewski, Maciej Stasiak, Joanna Weissenberg
2012 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
This paper presents a complete methodology for modeling gradings (also called non-full-availability groups) servicing single-service and multi-service traffic streams. The methodology worked out by the authors makes it possible to determine traffic characteristics of various types of gradings with state-dependent call arrival processes, including a new proposed structure of the Erlang's Ideal Grading with the multirate links. The elaborated models of the gradings can be used for modeling
more » ... nt systems of modern networks, for example, the radio interfaces of the UMTS system, switching networks carrying a mixture of different multirate traffic streams, and video-on-demand systems. The results of the analytical calculations are compared with the results of the simulation data for selected gradings, which confirm high accuracy of the proposed methodology.
doi:10.1155/2012/456910 fatcat:2grz7xczxnfxvmuuh3gtdjrnie