The Induction Year - A Naturalistic Study Of Beginning Secondary Teachers Of Agriculture In Idaho

John Mundt
1991 Journal of Agricultural Education  
Education in America is in a state of change at all levels. Beginning with the report A Nation at m, a myriad of national and state task forces and special committees have followed with their findings. The Carnegie and Holmes reports have significant implications for teacher education and preparation. Little has been done nor has there been any real focus on beginning teacher induction until recently. Yet, educational leaders at most levels confirm that the beginning year of teaching is
more » ... to future success as a professional educator. lkodical/Iiteratre Base The ideal teacher is one who has or is working diligently toward a firm grasp of basic pedagogical skills (Griffin, 1984) . Basic pedagogical skills include classroom organization, management and discipline; allowing for individual differences in learners; utilizing and selecting appropriate resources; and understanding and responding to curriculum requirements that are in place in the system, the school and the classroom.
doi:10.5032/jae.1991.01018 fatcat:dnfmfpllkffmhnnhxstn7r73zi