Effect of Foot Massage on Incisional Pain and Sleep Pattern among Post Abdominal Surgery Patients

Aziza Youniss Ahmed El-ghiety, Manal Saad shaker Soliman, Amira Mohammed Ali Hassan
2021 Egyptian Journal of Health Care  
abdominal surgery is a trans-abdominal incision. Persistent postoperative pain is a well-known consequence of this surgery. Foot massage appears to be effective in reducing incisional pain and improve sleep patterns among post abdominal surgery patients. Aim: To assess the effect of foot massage on incisional pain and sleep pattern among post abdominal surgery patients. Subjects and Methods: Design: A quasiexperimental pretest-posttest control group research design was used. Setting: The study
more » ... as conducted in the surgical adult department at El Demerdash Hospital affiliated to Ain Shams University. Subject: Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample of 200 post abdominal surgery patients and were randomly assigned into two groups, 100 for each the experimental and control groups. Three tools were used: (I) a structured interview questionnaire, (II) a numerical pain rating scale, and (III) a sleep quality index scale. Findings: The current study findings showed that during the posttest all post abdominal surgery patients had a mild level of pain in experimental compared to the majority in the control group had a mild level of pain. During the pretest majority of abdominal surgery patients had poor sleep patterns in both the experimental and control group. during the posttest, more than four fifth of the abdominal surgery patients had a good quality of sleep pattern in the experimental group and poor quality of sleep pattern in the control group was among all abdominal surgery patients. The study revealed that there was a difference between mean pretest and posttest scores were found statistically significant at p < 0.05 level in the experimental group regarding pain level and sleep pattern. Conclusion: Foot massage was found to be useful in reducing incisional pain and improving the quality of sleep patterns in post-abdominal surgery patients. Recommendations: Post abdominal surgery patients should be provided with a simple and applicable strategy to control pain and improve sleep patterns.
doi:10.21608/ejhc.2021.202569 fatcat:laoknp4d4racle42oyv5cdkswm