Disaster Recovery – A Project Planning Case Study in Portugal

Antero Prazeres, Eurico Lopes
2013 Procedia Technology - Elsevier  
Business disruptions can take place everywhere, anytime. It is impossible to foresee what may hit and when. It has become compulsory for organizations to be organized for such disaster/recovery scenarios. With the ever increasing dependence on business processes for both electronic and traditional services, it has become almost mandatory for every organization to plan also for Business Continuity (BCP). In this paper, a project plan to deal with a Disaster Recovery and support Business
more » ... y and how various virtualization technologies are leveraged to reorganize restore servers, network and storage resources for the critical applications based on business priorities will be described. A project planning will be discussed in order to deal with a practical solution implementation in a major Portuguese organization
doi:10.1016/j.protcy.2013.12.088 fatcat:rq3qepeknrfmdgeshx4kol3zoy