Novel photo-patterning technology for direct writing in resist based systems [thesis]

David. Elfström
This thesis presents studies on micro-patterning techniques and their applications in direct writing of photoresist based systems. Gallium nitride based ultraviolet light sources, micro-pixelated light emitting diodes and laser diodes, are utilised in photolithography systems. Laser direct writing is used to pattern negative-type photoresist and resist based nanocomposites with an organic light-emitting oligomer, oligofuorene-functionalised truxenes, added. Characteristics of such structures
more » ... investigated. A CMOS-chip-driven micro-LED array is used in an optical projection system for maskless photolithography. The performance of this setup is investigated and the system is used to pattern positive-and negative-type photoresists. Semiconductor nanocrystals are investigated for the use as colour converters in integrated micro-LED devices. The performance of such devices in terms of colour conversion efficiency is measured. For Gülis.
doi:10.48730/1yfk-ac83 fatcat:ndanbtlmmngfffx7mxffcoqbvm