Multi-objective optimization for creating a low-carbon logistics system through community-based action

Yoshiaki SHIMIZU, Tatsuhiko SAKAGUCHI, Hiroki SHIMADA
2015 Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing  
Against global warming and environmental degradation, it is essential for modern logistics to make sincere efforts to resolve such environmental issues. However, that will likely degrade the economical efficiency under global competition. In fact, since it seems almost impossible to derive a reasonable solution individually, we need to face with the problem as whole society. Deployment of a green logistics incorporated with community-based action is a new paradigm realizing an infrastructure
more » ... gned with sustainable development. Noticing importance of such idea, this study concern a green logistics optimization associated with production methods of manufacturers and green attitude of consumers. Actually, for a three-echelon logistics network, we have developed a novel hierarchical method to optimize the production methods with different structures regarding cost and emission of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) at production sites, the available collection center, the paths between members of the logistics network and circular routes over consumers. In this problem, first we aim at minimizing either total cost or CO 2 emission through controlling prone and aversion behaviors on sustainability of each logistic member.Then, to integrate these individual problems and evaluate them on the same basis, we have introduced an economic mechanism known as emission trading rate on CO 2 . Moreover, to discuss the sustainability in a broader logistics system, we note the modal shift in transportation. To show the significance of the proposed approach, we provide a case study and explore some prospects for community-based green logistics.
doi:10.1299/jamdsm.2015jamdsm0063 fatcat:5wlbk73ot5gdladmfuoepuh73q