Singularities in cylindrical vector beams

Manish Verma, Sushanta Kumar Pal, Stuti Joshi, P. Senthilkumaran, Joby Joseph, H.C. Kandpal
2015 Journal of Modern Optics  
Cylindrical vector beams with azimuthal and radial polarization distributions are studied for singularities. It is shown experimentally that these beams have screw dislocation as well as edge dislocation at the same time. The relation between phase and polarization of light beam is the key to understand this fact. We envisage that this has potential application in phase synthesis using polarization engineering. Further, the polarization singularities in these inhomogeneously polarized beams are
more » ... examined by measuring Stokes parameters across the cross-section of these beams.
doi:10.1080/09500340.2015.1019384 fatcat:6ght4hll4zdn5e55l32reieisy