Illustrations of the Orthopaedic Apparatus, Referred to at a Demonstration of Modern Orthopaedic Methods

N. Smith
1888 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
profuse diarrhoea. At the end of three days she was seized with severe stabbing pain in the same situation, almost causing her to faint. Similar paroxysms oceurredl sulbsequently, while in the interals betwveen these paroxysms thse buirning pain continued. All these symptonms^were aggravated(l (Iriing the nmontlhs of pregnancy, whilch terminated prematturely at the eiglhtlh month in tile birth of a stillborn child. This was in Deceiuber, 1881$5. Immediately after this occurreciee she
more » ... a new pain in tiie riht side of the abdomen of a gnawing character. Sh;e referred this to a point aboit midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the umnbilicuis of the right side. These symptoms were present when she was admitted to hospital. D)uring her stay in hospital previous to operation shie had frequient attacks of the paroxysmal pain, beginning at the lack over the riglht renal region, anid shooting throughi to the front under the right costal arch, "anthough a needle were being driven through from behind." This pain radiated across the abdomen, and more latelv passed down to thei hip, sometimes posteriorly, sometimes in front and down to the inside of the thigh. When an attack came on
doi:10.1136/bmj.1.1422.686 fatcat:amnrkckijjhkreuxd2h2nnzvw4