Numerical Investigation of Plasma Sheath Under Multiple Oscillations in Acceleration Region of Hall Thrusters

Huijun Cao
2017 International Journal of High Energy Physics  
Oscillations range from KHz-GHz have been measured in the experimental measurements within the laboratory Hall thruster. With the various frequency oscillations, different kinds of collisions between particles and the complex electromagnetic field environment, the dynamics of particles in the discharge chamber are really intricate. The dynamics of particles become even untraceable in the near-wall region where the plasma sheath exists. In this study, the two-dimensional fully kinetic Immersed
more » ... nite Element Particle-In-Cell (IFE-PIC) numerical models are developed in the axial-radial (z-r) plane at the acceleration region, with the intent of examining the effects of multiple oscillations on the plasma sheath. The results are valuable for understanding the features of plasma sheath in acceleration region at the real working conditions.
doi:10.11648/j.ijhep.20170406.14 fatcat:xc5vxe67pzeaxieeola2xc2jcu