Analysis of Port Community System Introduction in Croatian Seaports - Case Study Split

Ivan Torlak, Edvard Tijan, Saša Aksentijević, Renato Oblak
2020 Transactions on Maritime Science  
The introduction of a Port Community System (PCS) is identified as one of the key elements facilitating seaport development. In this paper, the analysis of seaport stakeholders and Maritime Single Window systems in Croatia is performed, including NSW (National Single Window), MNSW (Maritime National Single Window: CIMIS - Croatian Integrated Maritime Information System), their interaction and development of the national model for a PCS, ongoing in the form of a pilot project in the Port of
more » ... a. This development is selected as a precedent for creation of the nation-wide PCS to be used also in other cargo ports of national interest, including Split. Further building on this newly gained knowledge and taking into consideration the development of the national PCS model, we explain the inherent characteristics of the Port of Split in terms of traffic evaluation in various port basins. We also provide a comprehensive set of operative guidelines for adjustment of the functional PCS module architecture to be deployed in the Port of Split and serving specific business needs of all identified port cluster's stakeholders after the initial development in the Port of Rijeka is completed.
doi:10.7225/toms.v09.n02.015 fatcat:niz5tz4suzgunhjxtrea3ov5ya