Knowledge Representation as Linked Data

Joachim Van Herwegen, Pieter Heyvaert, Ruben Taelman, Ben De Meester, Anastasia Dimou
2018 Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM '18  
The process of extracting, structuring, and organizing knowledge requires processing large and originally heterogeneous data sources. Offering existing data as Linked Data increases its shareability, extensibility, and reusability. However, using Linking Data as a means to represent knowledge can be easier said than done. In this tutorial, we elaborate on how to semantically annotate data, and generate and publish Linked Data. We introduce [R2]RML languages to generate Linked Data. We also show
more » ... how to easily publish Linked Data on the Web as Triple Pattern Fragments. As a result, participants, independently of their knowledge background, can model, annotate and publish Linked Data on their own.
doi:10.1145/3269206.3274275 dblp:conf/cikm/HerwegenHTMD18 fatcat:ayadmyvujjan5i2t6puq2s4qjm