Evaluation on Scientific and Technological Development of Electronic Information Industry in Guangxi

Yiwei Xiang, Jun Hong, Kunlin Zuo
2011 International Journal of Business and Management  
At present, the electronic information industry has become a strong growth engine of the economic development of provinces in China. During the "Twelfth Five-Year" Period, Guangxi will clearly focus on the development of electronic information industry as a priority in one of fourteen billion dollar industry. In this paper, the combination of AHP and empirical analysis is used to compare the science and technology development of electronic information industry in Guangxi and Guangdong province.
more » ... And then the thinking of the development of electronic information industry in Guangxi is made of.
doi:10.5539/ijbm.v6n2p154 fatcat:o4v7a7uafbclbelmdjkdv2jg64