
仲上 健一
The total population of Japan has turned to decrease in 2015 census, the ratio of Tokyo metropolitan area increase to 28.4%, the rural area has decrease to 82.4% (1,416towns/1,719towns) on one side of town. These trends will continue from now, we should seek a solution to the new viewpoint and strategy for regional revitalization. In order to recover and sustain its unparalleled values, rebuilding a sound environmental policy system from top to bottom is highly required. The ecosystem services
more » ... nd their monetary values are also estimated due to their powerful roles in representing human-coastal zone relationship and supporting sustainability of a "SATOUMI" system. The Japanese term "SATOUMI" inspires us to pursue sound coastal zone governance by taking sustainable development into consideration with "Establishment of SATOUMI in the coastal sea" . This paper examined the possibility and sustainability towards regional revitalization through case studies Shizugawa Bay and Tsushima island. Shizugawa Bay (Minami sanriku cho, Miyagi Pref.) which is known as one of famous SATOUMI sites, destroyed the fishermen and damage to their ships when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in March, 2011,and Tsushima island (Tsushima city, Nagasaki Pref.) which is an isolated border island for seeking the possibility towards regional revitalization. Finally, the effect of the global sustainability related economic policy on regional revitalization was emphasized.
doi:10.34382/00005117 fatcat:5o53ugvuezao3hqpmn7rdcbuiu