Survey on gender discrimination and sexual harassment in Catalan and French archaeology [article]

Ariadna Nieto-Espinet, Mirea Campanera
2022 Zenodo  
For several decades, women have been interviewed to learn about the obstacles they face in their academic careers. However, there is still a need to measure the impact that discrimination and gender-based violence have on their careers and lives, and to highlight the responsibility of institutions in the fight against these bad practices. In this document you will find the original surveys that were specially designed to study the particular situation of archaeology, where discrimination and
more » ... ual harassment are common phenomena, especially during fieldwork. Hypermobility and increasingly precarious working conditions make it especially difficult to protect and prevent such aggressions in the field of archaeology. We have integrated the knowledge of archaeologists, anthropologists and sociologists to offer a broader and multidisciplinary perspective on the origin and perpetuation of these bad practices. The setting for the study is universities, research centres and private archaeological companies in Catalonia and France. The survey was sent directly to archaeological professionals, researchers and students, whom we contacted directly or through other trusted people. The aim was to ensure the reliability and rigour of the information sources. The results of this work were presented for the first time at the 24th annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA 2018, Barcelona) in the form of an oral communication entitled Making visible gender discrimination in archaeology in times of neoliberal change. The publication of this work is available at Nieto-Espinet, A.; Campanera, M. (accepted). De la invisibilización a la impunidad. (Des)cifrando la discriminación de género y el acoso sexual en Arqueología. In Díaz-Andreu M, Torres Gomariz O, Zarzuela Gutiérrez, P (Eds.): Voces in Crescendo: del mutismo a la afonía en la historia, Publicacions de la Universitat d'Alacant, 315-337. (publication planned for December 2022) <st [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7111169 fatcat:enos7ucl7bc2hgeyx57hbxeqaq