Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Discipline on the Company Performance through Motivation as Variable Mediation in PT. Henkel Indonesia

Yudha Yan Kusuma, Harry Indratjahyo, Bongsu Saragih
2020 East African Scholars Journal of Economics Business and Management  
This study aims to examine organizational citizenship behavior and discipline on company performance through motivation. The research was conducted at PT Henkel Indonesia with a sample size of 222 respondents. The sampling technique is saturated sample and data analysis uses path analysis. The results showed that organizational citizenship behavior variables partially influence company performance. The discipline variable partially affects company performance. Motivation variables partially
more » ... ct company performance. Organizational citizenship behavior variables partially influence motivation. The discipline variable partially affects motivation. The effect of organizational citizenship behavior on company performance is 0.600. The influence of organizational citizenship behavior on performance through motivation is 0.712 x 0.878 = 0.625. The direct effect of organizational citizenship behavior on company performance is 0.657. While the influence of work organizational citizenship behavior on company performance through motivation is 0.772 x 0.878 = 0.678. In this case, the work motivation variable is intervening.
doi:10.36349/easjebm.2020.v03i10.007 fatcat:ejlyg33ovjhopb5w36bnku7qga