The Necessity of Shortening Production Period and the Methods to Shorten it Period since 1960's to 1970's
<論説>生産期間短縮の必要性と短縮方策に関する研究 : 1960 年代から 70 年代を中心に

Mitsumasa KUMAZAWA
The Journal of Yokkaichi University  
The shortening of production period is as irnportant as the increase of production efficiency in production system , Both subjects were managed to be coexisted in Ford system under the condition of nlass production . From a viewpoint of finance , almost every Japanese enterprise has been lnaking the turnover ratio of capital improve . It seems to suggest that production period has been shortened , But from the results of actual research , the great part of production period is occupied by in −
more » ... rocess or inventory tinle. Therefore, the structure of production period is defined in accordance witll actual cases , and some methods to shorten it are provided .
doi:10.24584/jyu.15.1_135 fatcat:vsayftsbpfcsxh4tesnnr6dgcq