A. S. Kozyrev, G. E. Ulrikh, D. V. Zabolotsky, A. G. Kulev, E. G. Kachalova, S. V. Vissarionov, V. V. Murashko
2016 Travmatologiâ i Ortopediâ Rossii  
Monolateral spinal anaesthesia as a component of general anaesthesia was compared to the spinal anaesthesia as a component of general anaesthesia for the unilateral low extremity orthopedic surgery in children. Analgesic effect of two methodics was analysed in 120 children (age 1-18 years old, ASA 1-2). Monolateral spinal anesthesia provides the same level of analgesia thus decreasing zone of desympathysation and providing more hemodynamic stability and decreasing loss of heat. Monolateral
more » ... l anesthesia is not complicated with urinary retention in contrast to classic spinal anaesthesia. Monolateral spinal anesthesia is an effective alternative to a classical spinal anesthesia for the unilateral low extremity orthopedic surgery in children.
doi:10.21823/2311-2905-2010-0-2-13-17 doaj:e6aa3165c5104daebd438891837ac772 fatcat:xkmp6ke7svaqrfeot4kidg4k6a