Frontmatter [chapter]

2013 Transatlantic Avant-Gardes  
Modern global culture makes it clear that literary study can no longer operate on nation-based or exceptionalist models. In practice, American literatures have always been understood and defi ned in relation to the literatures of Europe and Asia. The books in this series work within a broad comparative framework to question place-based identities and monocular visions, in historical contexts from the earliest European settlements to contemporary aff airs, and across all literary genres. They
more » ... lore the multiple ways in which ideas, texts, objects and bodies travel across spatial and temporal borders, generating powerful forms of contrast and affi nity. The Edinburgh Studies in Transatlantic Literatures series fosters new paradigms of exchange, circulation and transformation for transatlantic literary studies, expanding the critical and theoretical work of this rapidly developing fi eld.
doi:10.1515/9780748645220-fm fatcat:6ercmj7uubcw5jtc5wzckj2eiu