Message from the General Chairs

2019 2019 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)  
We are pleased to have been given the honor and responsibility to chair the 30th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE). Established in 1989, the Symposium has traveled the path from a small highly specialized gathering of statistical modeling enthusiasts who explored the applicability of hardware failure pattern analyses to software systems, to the major annual event in which academic and industry thought leaders and innovators exchange ideas that improve the
more » ... onfidence societies place in their inevitable reliance on software products. This year, ISSRE celebrates its 30 th anniversary and we are very happy that we can host this special edition of ISSRE at Fraunhofer FOKUS in Berlin, a place where industry concerns and academic solution approaches meet day in day out. There are few other fields in which technologies have changed so rapidly and dramatically as in software engineering. Today we need software for huge systems as well as for tiny embedded systems with various requirements with respect to their reliability, security, energy-efficiency and many other properties driven by the software application domain.
doi:10.1109/issre.2019.00005 fatcat:2nsjallqzzgrxi5ojnws5agdcu