Metallurgical Examination of 1/2 in Countersunk Rivets [report]

E. L. Reed, A. Hurlich
1941 unpublished
Porpoas The purpose of this investigation was to study the Betallurgioal ■i'-o,-^ oharaoterlsties of l/g -SAB 2330 ootmtersank rivets (60° and SO 0 ) which had been employed in the aeseably of an experimental riveted section and tested ballistically at Aberdeen Proving Ground to determine the characteristics of the riveted Joint under the impact of armor piercing nrojectiles. v ^ " Introduction In reference to correspondence 0.0. ^l.25/9293, A.P.0.451.2l/l62-156 2nd Ind. dated October U, 19U0,
more » ... nd W.A. 470.5/21*21, U70.5/712 Ist Ind. dated Hoveaber 13, 19^0» riveted test plate Ho. 3 w 08 submitted for aetallurgioal analysis. This plate was made up of en 18"xlS " xl/2" face-hardened armor plate riveted to an lS H xlS n xl/U H soft steel back plate with ten half-inch rivets with 90° countersunk heads in front, and fifteen half-inch rivets with 60 0 countersunk heads in front. Both sets of rivet« had straight shanks and standard button points on the back. The rivets In this section were fractured and the button points dislodged under the impact of caliber .30 A.P. M2, Cal. .30 A.P. »922, Cal. .50 A.P. JO., 37 ■«. A.P. M51, and 37 mn. A.P. K39
doi:10.21236/ada954257 fatcat:rm2oisvi4vhwzai7k7b4lerupy