Transient Three-dimensional Numerical Analysis of Forced Convection Flow and Heat Transfer in a Curved Pipe

Dr. Wajeeh Kamal
2013 IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering  
A three-dimensional transient numerical study of a constant property Newtonian fluid in curved pipe under laminar flow conditions is presented for a uniform wall temperature boundary condition. Numerical solutions were obtained using the control volume method described by Patankar for the range of . The working fluid was water. The transient flow pattern and the temperature distribution on the tube section were derived for different values of the Reynolds number. Graphical results for velocity
more » ... nd temperature are presented and analyzed. Results have shown that the maximum velocity in center of velocity profile increase with increasing of Reynolds number. In curved pipes, time averaged results exhibited Dean circulation and a strong velocity and temperature stratification in the radial direction. Flow and heat transfer were strongly asymmetric, with higher values near the outer pipe bend.
doi:10.9790/1684-0954757 fatcat:fodohfaafjepjmckg75pw5krsi