1885 The Lancet  
410 whooping-cough in the Scotch towns, which had been 7, 13, and 23, in the previous three weeks, declined again last week to 11, of which 8 were returned in Glasgow and 2 in Paisley. The 9 deaths from scarlet fever, all of which occurred in Glasgow, showed a further slight increase upon recent weekly numbers; those from "fever," diphtheria, and measles, however, showed a decline. Of the 3 deaths referred to " fever," 2 occurred in Edinburgh and 1 in Glasgow. The deaths referred to acute
more » ... es of the respiratory organs in the eight towns, which had been 62 and 43 in the previous two weeks, rose again to 51 last week, but were 13 below the number in the corresponding week of last year. The causes of 67, or 14 per cent., of the deaths in the eight Scotch towns last week were not certified. HEALTH OF DUBLIN.
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)16988-1 fatcat:jjkveaubsbhq7lrqqybmqvfi2m