Interlanguage Syntax of the Noun Phrase in English: An Error Analysis of Third Year High School Students of English in Zawiya, Libya

Mohamed Ataieb Ahmad Hmouma
2014 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
This research examined the interlanguage syntax of high school students of English in Zawiya, Libya in the area of the noun phrase (NP), focusing on the closed system elements that can occur before or after the noun head. It is based on the assumption that those students encounter difficulties in forming and using the English noun phrase. The findings demonstrated that a great deal of students' errors could be explained by overgeneralization and interference from students' mother tongue, though
more » ... some other errors challenge explanations offered by contrastive analysis of English and Arabic.
doi:10.9790/0837-19543643 fatcat:rq4uzshc6basrebgwozbx6nxxi