Modelling and Finite Element Based Analysis of a Five Fingered Underactuated Robotic Hand

Deepak Ranjan Biswal, Pramod Kumar Parida
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: Imparting the dexterity and autonomous competence to a robotic system is a significant burden in humanoid robotics, especially in the fields of industrial manufacturing, prosthetics, orthopedic rehabilitation, etc. Operating a humanoid hand requires a very innovative actuator and transmission system. The under-actuated concepts are proving to be a possible means of achieving extremely dexterous robotic hands without the need for diverse mechanical design. The main characteristics of
more » ... under-actuated robotic hand are that fewer actuators are required to operate it than the degrees of freedom. The under-actuated equivalent hand is significantly less expensive than the fully-actuated equivalent hand and remarkably reduces the complexity of the control system. The existing work dealt with the modeling and finite element-based analysis of an anthropomorphic underactuated robotic hand using five fingers including the thumb and palm with dexterity and with a total of twenty-one degrees of freedom.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.46579 fatcat:5v34kjf7wjgrhcadijvctep6ba