Incidence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Covid-19) on Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients in Some Hospitals Dialysis Centers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sameson Taye Yirga, Bethlehem Aklilu, Meron Yohannes, Melese Hailu
2022 International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences  
Dialysis patients are highly venerable to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) due to comorbidity conditions. In this facility-based cross-sectional study, 111 hemodialysis patients were enrolled from April, 2020 to July, 2021. Social and hospital characteristics of patient's data are abstracted from medical records, and descriptive, binominal and multinomial logistic regression was demonstrated to test association using statistical packages for social science. Among 111 hemodialysis
more » ... atients Fifty three, 47.7% (53/111) patients during the study period were under the confirmed clinical presentation of a global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this presented studies, inpatient hospitalization, transit of hospitals, hypertension were the most frequent clinical characteristics dependent on COVID-19 infection in dialysis patients at three referral hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The findings from the study indicated that dialysis patients are vournariable group of the population more likely to infect with COVID-19. Overall epidemiology of covid-19 in dialysis patients was 47%; this indicates hospitalized dialysis is highly exposed to the current global outback. Inpatient clients and patients transferred from another hospital mostly presented comorbid conditions associated with the prevalence.
doi:10.20469/ijhms.8.30002 fatcat:mzjd2m4d2vbbxgzbnvlkxkflrm