Bias in supervision [thesis]

Tessa Coffeng
Coffeng designed the studies (including the development of the different instruction texts), collected the data during or prior to the conferences and lectures that are reported in this chapter, conducted the data analysis, and authored the manuscript. Van Steenbergen aided in designing the studies, interpreting the data, and reviewing and revising the manuscript. De Vries commented on several drafts of the manuscript. Ellemers provided input on the design of the studies and edited various
more » ... ons of the manuscript. Coffeng, Van Steenbergen, and Ellemers presented the data during the conferences and lectures that are reported in this chapter. Throughout this chapter, 'we' refers to the collective authorship of the article.
doi:10.33540/1062 fatcat:ec5xpuzjube33hb63tqtejckoe